On the 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Stories of Choice Are Flooding Twitter

On the 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Stories of Choice Are Flooding Twitter

Today marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision by the United States Supreme Court over the constitutionality of laws that criminalized and restricted access to abortions. Ostensibly, the court ruling made abortion legal in this country by stating that the constitutional right to privacy is "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy."

As we all know, in the 45 years since then the debate has gotten no less heated. And in today's environment of even more heightened emotions around politics, Neil Gorsuch's appointment to the Supreme Court, and Republican control of the White House and Congress, the right to choose seems to be in a rather precarious position. In a new op-ed for Time, Senator Elizabeth Warren writes about what this monumental decisions has meant for women. She notes that there is, of course, the incredibly important health care issue and that abortions are now safer than getting your tonsils out. But more than that she says, "Access to safe abortion services has changed the economic futures of millions of women…. When making policy about women’s bodies, government officials should trust the women whose lives and futures are on the line. Safety and economic security—that’s what Roe v. Wade is still all about. I lived in a world of back alley butchers and wrecked lives. We’re not going back—not now, not ever."

While it often feels like abortion rights is one of the most divisive issues in our nation, polling from Pew Research Center reports that seven in 10 Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade. That's more people than agree on almost anything these days. To mark the anniversary and call attention to that statistic, NARAL (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws) is asking people on Twitter to share why they are one of the #7in10forRoe.

And women are answering the call.

Also, shout out to Sarah Weddington, the youngest person to ever win in the Supreme Court.

Here's to using our voices to secure another 45 years of safe and affordable health care for all women in this country.