3 Taco Tuesday Hacks for Your Food Sensitivities

Taco Tuesday is a tradition we can all get behind. There's nothing like some warm tortilla deliciousness to soothe us after surviving two whole days of a brutal work week. But there's one thing that can really put a damper on a carefree afternoon of devouring tacos: dietary restrictions.

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We're of the mindset that no allergy should mean you can't enjoy your fill of this delicious snack, so we've laid out three easy substitutions to accommodate common food sensitives and preferences. Thank us later!

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Gluten Free

Whether you suffer from celiac disease, or you just prefer not to consume grains, a gluten free diet can really be tough to stick to when tacos are in the picture. But, trust us, one meal isn't worth the discomfort that comes with disturbing your gluten intolerance! Skip the flour tortillas and opt for these cassava and coconut tortillas instead. They taste like the perfect mix of a corn and flour tortilla, minus the pesky gluten!

Vegan or Vegetarian

If we ever gave up meat, our main concern would be taco filling. What's a good substitute for chicken, beef or fish filled tacos? Tofu tacos. While you could technically eat it raw, cooked tofu tastes best and you can even season it as you would ground beef, or any other filling. Just make sure you don't forget the step of draining them.


While cheese is a delicious taco topper, it's torturous for those who don't eat dairy. Khloe Kardashian has been vocal about how she attributes her recent weight loss to cutting dairy from her diet, but aside from just weight loss reasons, plenty of people suffer from dairy allergies and subscribe to the vegan lifestyle that bans dairy. These cheddar-style shreds are the perfect proxy, because they provide all the cheesy goodness of real cheese, but they're completely plant-based. Score!