11 Trainers to Follow on Instagram for Actually Doable at-Home Workouts

They share more than just motivation.

There's no shortage of healthy fitness motivation on Instagram. From go-get-'em quotes to outdoor exercise snapshots, a feed filled with positive fitness inspiration can put you in a strong, sweaty state of mind. But sometimes we're looking for more than just motivation—like, actual workout ideas and instruction. That's where these trainers on Instagram come in.

Each of the following trainers posts videos of their actual workouts or specific exercises you can incorporate into your current routine, with instructions on how to do them. The captions are filled with helpful information, like how many reps and sets you should aim for, form notes, or the method you should use (like AMRAP, or as many reps as possible in a specified amount of time).

Plus, while some of the workouts are done in gyms, many of these quickie circuits are totally doable at home. And no (or minimal) equipment means there's no reason not to pause your Instagram scrolling on the couch and get up and move a bit when you come across a bodyweight Tabata workout or a speedy lower-body burner. Or, you know, you can just save them for a rainy day or the next time you're feeling a little bored with your current routine. The inspiration is there for you whenever you want to put it to use.

Here are 11 trainers to follow for effective workouts you can do anytime, anywhere.

1. Marie Purvis

Nike Master Trainer Marie Purvis shares her favorite workout circuits in and out of the gym, but they don't all require equipment—the creative workout above uses nothing but a hand towel to replicate the muscle-shaking effects of gliding discs. She also often demos individual exercises that anyone can add to their routine.

2. Ebonny Fowler

Trainer Ebonny Fowler posts a combo of equipment-free workouts and ones that utilize basic equipment like a kettlebell or resistance bands. You can do her bodyweight HIIT workouts pretty much anywhere, and she provides different options for each move so you can tailor it to your fitness level, too.

3. Tai McQueen

Tai McQueen goes by The Plus Size Trainer on Instagram, where she shares workouts ideas in and out of the gym, body-positive quotes and captions, and the occasional meme that anyone interested in health or fitness can appreciate.

4. Jeanette Jenkins

Jeanette Jenkins has worked with celebrities like Pink, Alicia Keys, Mindy Kaling, and more, and she brings all her fitness expertise to her Instagram followers as well. She often uses creative props in her videos, like abs exercises you can do with a pillow and moves you can do with a playground swing set. She tops it all off with inspiring quotes and healthy meal ideas.

5. Kira Stokes

You don't have to scroll far into Kira Stokes's page to find your next workout. Nearly every post delivers a way to get sweaty, along with why she loves it. Keep an eye out for her #smotd posts, which stands for "Stoked Move of the Day"—she demos an exercise (usually bodyweight) with super specific and helpful form notes, so you'll know exactly what to do.

6. Idalis Velazquez

Idalis Velazquez posts tons of no-equipment workouts and workouts that use tools like dumbbells and kettlebells, so whether you're at home or in a standard, no-frills gym (like at a hotel), there's a great workout on her page for you. The Beachbody super trainer also posts dual captions in English and Spanish.

7. Jess Sims

Jess Sims is an instructor at NYC's The Fhitting Room, and the gym usually serves as the background for her awesome workouts, like the one above. She also shows off some of her badass boxing workouts, too. (Pssst—if you want to follow a specific program from her, she also designed SELF's Ready Set Sweat challenge.)

8. Roz The Diva

Trainer Roz The Diva posts lots of single move demos that anyone can try, but what really shines is her hilariously accurate move descriptions. For example, in the video above, she says your back should be "flat enough to balance a martini #ShakenNotStirred." (And in step two, she reminds you not to spill it.) She tells it like it is.

9. Laura Miranda

Laura Miranda is a doctor of physical therapy and a C.S.C.S. (certified strength and conditioning specialist), so she's an incredible educator to have in your feed. She shares not only what a workout does, but she also often delves into why it's important, so you'll get a great workout and a mini-lesson in fitness. Win-win.

10. Tanya Poppett

Australian trainer Tanya Poppett usually does her workouts outside (because, Australia), so her videos just might inspire you to take your workout to the great outdoors, too. She also does a great job of explaining what her workouts are good for, like coordination and speed or core stabilization.

11. Cindy Yu

Cindy Yu is a Canada-based trainer who posts almost nothing but workout ideas on her Instagram account. Some of them are a little more equipment-heavy (if you have a TRX, you'll find so many new ways to use it scrolling her feed), but others, like the one above, only require a pair of dumbbells.
