10 gay actors who we'd love to see play super spy James Bond

luke evans, colman domingo, jonathan bailey
luke evans, colman domingo, jonathan bailey

Perhaps you've heard the rumor that a new actor has been offered the role of James Bond, Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Yes, we love him. I mean have you seen him? And yet, we have thoughts. For one thing, isn't it high time we got a gay 007? Not sure who could play one, well there has never been a better time to cast a gay super spy because the pool of actors who perfectly embody that charismatic action hero has never been deeper.

So with that in mind, here are a few man-loving men we'd love to don the tux-and-martini mantle.

Matt Bomer

matt bomer
matt bomer


This is a no brainer. We'd be his Bond girl any day.

Luke Evans

luke evans
luke evans


He has that sexy scowl down to a science. More like Dr. YAS!

Coleman Domingo

colman domingo
colman domingo


Gravitas and good looks? This man was born to play Bond.

Jeremy Pope

jeremy pope
jeremy pope


A young James Bond? Yes, please!

Russell Tovey

russell tovey
russell tovey


Is there anyone with more disarming good looks than Russell? Seems like that would be helpful as a super spy.

Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott


We know this man can act.. and seduce... it's time for his action hero era to begin!

Jonathan Bailey

Jonathan Bailey
Jonathan Bailey


The baddies would be to lost in his baby brown eyes to see this super spy coming.

Luke Macfarlane

Luke Macfarlane
Luke Macfarlane


We wanna see this hunk show off his acting, and action, chops, stat!

Brandon Flynn

Brandon Flynn
Brandon Flynn


If we're rebooting the Bond franchise a young cutie like Brandon would be the perfect start of a new steamy, gay arc!

Lee Pace

Lee Pace
Lee Pace

