'Warcraft' Cast and Director on Why Orcs Deserve Love Too

In Warcraft (opening June 16), an epic conflict unfolds between a human kingdom and an invading population of Orcs. Think you know who the bad guys are? Think again. The stars and director of Warcraft spoke with Yahoo Movies about the moral gray areas of their video-game-based film. Watch the video above.

Related: Get Ready to Orc Out With the First ‘Warcraft’ Trailer

“Most fantasy films, even the ones I love the most, like Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies, it’s very much good versus evil: Humans are good, evil tends to be the monsters,” says director Duncan Jones (Moon). “In this film, it’s very much about two sides, which are both filled with heroes.”

In Warcraft, the vicious-looking Orcs (created with motion-capture CGI by Peter Jackson’s special effects studio Weta) are in dire circumstances, forced out of their homeland. They invade the peaceful human kingdom of Azeroth out of desperation, but they are not monsters: Just witness the tender scenes with the little Orc baby in the film’s trailer.

“What we’ve strived to make here is not a Warcraft movie, but a great war movie,” says Robert Kazinsky, who plays the Orc warrior Orgrim.”And in every war, on every side, there are good guys and there are bad guys… The enemy here, and the true evil, is war.”