Today, We Honor Panem's District Heroes


Lily Elsington, District 12

To our brothers and sisters of District 12 we say — bravo! Your honorable work ethic and perseverance has not gone unnoticed, and the Capitol appreciates your commitment to serving our great nation.

Now more than ever you must remember the importance of our system and the greater good it creates. Embrace the sweat on your brow and the sores on your fingers. Allow the soot to settle along your feet. You are the light that shines in the coal mines you venture. Take pride in your scars of labor, for they are labors of love for your country.

No citizen is too young to support the constructive efforts of the Mining District, and in turn, the gallant efforts of Panem. Look to Lily Elsington as a shining example in this inspiring piece provided to you by the Capitol Ministry of Information.

See seven of the esteemed District Heroes that make Panem proud:

Panem Celebrates Your Hero of District 6

Panem Celebrates Your Hero of District 3

Panem Celebrates Your Hero of District 9