Phil Be Back: Check Out the Poster for 'Terminator Genesis'

When the title for Terminator Genisys was announced last summer, we had two immediate thoughts. One, that’s an odd way of spelling way of “Genesis” and then two, man, what is Phil Collins up to? We miss that guy.

(The actual movie title refers to a technological info-sharing advancement — sort of like the Cloud — that will ultimately be humanity’s undoing.)

While no one will ever replace Arnold Schwarzenegger as the ultimate Terminator, we figured why not imagine an alternate timeline where it was Genesis frontman Phil Collins sent back from the future to save everyone? Here’s what that would look like:

(Photoshop work via Jayme Perry).

Editor’s note to those under 30: Genesis was a British hit-making machine originally launched by Peter Gabriel but ultimately led by Phil Collins (aka Lily Collins’s father) that was most active in the ‘70s and '80s and produced such gems as “Mama,” “Follow You Follow Me” and “Tonight, Tonight, Tonight.” Download their greatest hits immediately.

Terminator Genisys opens July 1. Watch the trailer: