Robert Loggia

  • NewsSuperfan Movies

    The 5 Best Movie Bosses

    You know how bosses stink? Well, not all of them. My bosses, for instance? Love ‘em. Love ‘em! Best bosses in the world. Good save. Anyway, you know how bosses stink? Well, sometimes bosses are actually really good. They’re decent people who are in their position because they’re capable workers. It’s in that spirit that today, National Boss Day, we present the five best movie bosses.

  • NewsYahoo Premium Partners

    Oscar-Nominated Actor Robert Loggia Dies at 85

    Robert Loggia, durable star of movies and TV shows including Brian De Palma’s 1986 Scarface and 1988′s Big, died Friday in Los Angeles, his widow Audrey confirmed to Variety. He was 85.