'Love Actually' Sequel's First Photos Show Hugh Grant Is Still a Dashing Prime Minister

Depending on whom you ask, Richard Curtis’ 2003 Love Actually is either the sweetest and funniest romantic comedy of the past 15 years, or the most awfully saccharine and contrived mushfest ever. Regardless of which side you’re on, that debate is bound to heat up again as Curtis reunites much of the cast for a short TV-only follow-up set to debut later this month on Red Nose Day — a telethon organized by Comic Relief, which Curtis founded, to help raise money for poor and disadvantaged people around the globe — which airs March 24 on BBC One in the U.K., and then May 25 on NBC in the U.S. For those who just can’t wait to see what’s become of their favorite characters, Curtis’ wife, script editor, and producer Emma Freud, has now given the world a glimpse at two of its stars back on set.

Photos from Freud’s Twitter page reveal that, for Red Nose Day Actually, Hugh Grant will still look just like Hugh Grant when he reprises his role as U.K. prime minster David:

As the pics below prove, he’s now married to Martine McCutcheon’s Natalie, who also still looks the same as before (which is to say, completely undeserving of any weight-related remarks):

Red Nose Day Actually will reportedly run approximately 20 minutes, and will pick up with most of the original film’s characters, including those played by Keira Knightley, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Bill Nighy, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Andrew Lincoln, Lucia Moniz, Olivia Olson, Marcus Brigstocke, and Rowan Atkinson. It will not, however, feature Emma Thompson, given that — in light of the death of Alan Rickman, who played her husband — she and Curtis felt “It’s too soon. It’s absolutely right because it’s supposed to be for Comic Relief, but there isn’t much comic relief in the loss of our dear friend really only just over a year ago.”

‘Love Actually’: Watch a trailer:

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