Creative Fan Theory on Reddit Suggests 'Life' Is Sneaky Prequel About Spider-Man Villain Venom

Life is coming out on March 24. It’s a sci-fi/horror film starring Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal as astronauts who have to survive contact with a deadly alien life form. As Redditor toomuchsoull pointed out, the trailer featured footage from Spider-Man 3. This led to a fan theory on Reddit from user Rubix89, who asked, “What if Life is actually a symbiote/Venom origin story?”

Venom is an alien you don’t want to mess with. (Photo: Sony)
Venom is an alien you don’t want to mess with. (Photo: Sony)

Venom is a Spider-Man villain. He’s an alien symbiont that uses human life forms and gives them enhanced strength. Topher Grace played Venom in Spider-Man 3. Reddit users started offering ideas about how Life and Venom could be related. They noted that Deadpool writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick also wrote Life. Sony, which has the rights to Spider-Man villains, also made Life. And the alien life forms are even prodded similarly in both Life and Spider-Man 3.

A Redditor realized that this shot from a <em>Life</em> trailer is footage from <em>Spider-Man 3</em>. (Photo: Sony)
A Redditor realized that this shot from a Life trailer is footage from Spider-Man 3. (Photo: Sony)

With M. Night Shyamalan’s Split spoiler alert … being a surprise sequel to his earlier film, Unbreakable, it stands to reason that other such shenanigans are possible in this brave new cinematic world of ours.

Is this fan theory on the money? It’s fun and creative but highly unlikely. That said, Columbia Pictures (owned by Sony) just announced that the first standalone Venom film will be released in 2018.

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