Another Sneak Peek at 'Force Awakens' Deleted Scenes

We’re about a week away from the April 1 digital HD release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which means Disney is using all of its deleted scene-teaser power to entice fans to advance order.

A new clip that highlights those deleted scenes arrived online today. (Watch it above.) In it, you’ll see the previously revealed shots of Kylo Ren making a dramatic entrance onto what appears to be the Millennium Falcon; an image of Kylo Ren in the Falcon cockpit; stormtroopers invading Maz Kanata’s underground lair and Daisy Ridley as Rey, looking very emotional about something.

It’s not a lot to go on, but that’s probably why they call it a teaser. Hungry for more insight into those excised scenes? Entertainment Weekly posted some still images from the moments that wound up on the cutting room floor but show up on the DVD and Blu-ray release, which hits the marketplaces on April 5, a few days after the digital HD version.

Related: Lego’s ‘Force Awakens’ Video Game Promises to Flesh Out Stories of Han, Poe, Lor San Tekka