Winter Is Coming to Paris ‘Game of Thrones’ Museum Exhibit

Picture a Parisian. Is he or she decked out head-to-toe in homemade armor, covered in fake blood and latex prosthetics? No? Well, starting September 8th, just a couple of weeks before Paris Fashion Week, cosplayers and costume designers – all super fans of HBO’s cult sensation Game of Thrones – will flood the Carrousel du Louvre for the Game of Thrones: Experience the Realm exhibition.

As a King Joffrey cosplayer told the Guardian at the London exhibit, “It’s so exciting to be here to see what the costumes actually look like in real life…I spend so much time scouring the internet for pictures of the costumes, so to see them in real life is incredible.” We totally get it, ami.

Having already drawn costumed, smartphone-wielding super fans in New York, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Amsterdam and Tel Aviv, the free (HBO-sponsored) exhibition of over 70 costumes and artifacts used on the show, as well as an Oculus Rift VR experience, will offer Parisians a close-up of the incredible craftsmanship of this detail-obsessed show; transforming what is basically a shameless promotional tool into a satisfying behind-the-scenes experience.

We may not have learned the ways of the Faceless Man or learned how to forge Valyrian steel, but we are as game as any of these super fans to nerd out over some of the incredible props and costumes forged in Irish armories (yup) or molded from human bones (mm-hmm).

Check out some of the meticulous props and costumes on display and join us in being just a little bit jealous that it’s someone’s job to make these. 

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