Zoo Atlanta’s Video of ‘Baby Orangutan Chomps’ Is Simply Irresistible

If you're looking for something to make you smile, this video that Zoo Atlanta shared on Wednesday, May 21st is it! The zoo recorded their adorable baby orangutan chomping down on a snack, and it's the cutest thing you'll see today.

The baby is enjoying a leaf of lettuce as mom sits nearby enjoying the same. You'll want to make sure your sound is on if you enjoy ASMR because the baby's little chomps will be music to your ears. I don't know what's cuter, the sound of the chomps or the baby's adorably crazy hair!

Zoo Atlanta's video made me smile from ear to ear! I've watched (and listened!) at least five times because I can't get enough of the cuteness. I think I enjoyed watching it as much as the baby orangutan enjoyed eating the snack. Commenter @Mandi Pairish squealed with delight, "Eeeekkkkk Main Character Energy! Totally fabulous hair!!" and @The Mom CookBook added, "Mmmhmm this is just the best!"

Related: Video of Mama Orangutan Caring for Her New Baby Is Touching People's Hearts

Baby Orangutan Facts

Baby orangutans - called infants - are dependent on mom for years before they wean around the age six or seven. After that, they'll still stay with mom up until they are 10 years old.

Located in Connecticut, the Leo Zoo shared some interesting facts about the babies and their upbringing. After mating, the father has a non-existent role in the development of the baby orangutan. Mom is responsible for everything, including the necessary skills to survive in the wild. Like many other monkeys and apes, mom uses the 'buddy method' to carry her baby. "Some mothers will carry their child till the age of five. Others will carry the baby orangutan until two years of age and continue to hold their hand till they turn five."

Mom also teaches the little one how to forage for food, build a nest, and protect itself from predators. The infants learn what foods to eat and where to find food, and their diet almost solely consists of fruits. Although this baby won't have to forage for food, mom will teach her infant how to properly open and eat fruits like lychees, mangosteens, and figs.

Interestingly, you'll probably never see an orangutan on the ground since it is dangerous and makes them vulnerable to predators like tigers, pythons, and crocodiles. Fortunately, their skills and bodies allow them to thrive in the trees, so they don’t need to come down to the ground unless absolutely necessary.

The World Wildlife Fund explains that a century ago there were probably more than 230,000 orangutans in total, but the Bornean orangutan is now estimated at about 104,700 based on updated geographic range (Endangered) and the Sumatran about 7,500 (Critically Endangered). Hopefully with the help of zoos and other rescues and habitats, these numbers will continue to climb instead of diminishing.

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