ZONE3 launches world’s first biodegradable wetsuit

 ZONE3 Vision wetsuit.
ZONE3 Vision wetsuit.

ZONE3 is renowned for its high quality triathlon wetsuits and now the brand has taken things a step further with sustainability at the forefront, releasing the first ever biodegradable wetsuit.

The wetsuit is an upgrade to the brand’s already award-winning wetsuit, the Vision, albeit this time it’s been crafted from a brand new biodegradable rubber called Terraprene.

Unlike neoprene (a synthetic rubber that the best wetsuits are usually made from) this material can completely decompose in landfill with tests showing that a third of it can decompose within as little as two years. Once it’s in landfill it breaks down into methane and biomass, like other organic materials in landfill, so there’s no micro-plastics to worry about.

ZONE3 vision wetsuit
ZONE3 vision wetsuit

It's a big step forward for the wetsuit industry as neoprene wetsuits, rely heavily on fossil fuels to manufacture and can take hundreds of years to decompose, wasting away in landfill. Although, renting a wetsuit has become increasingly popular, or buying a second-hand one, to encourage sustainability.

The brand hasn’t stopped there though. Once the wetsuit reaches its end of life customers are then encouraged to return it to ZONE3, where its lining and zips will be recycled and the Terrapene material will be sent off to landfill to biodegrade.

The Terraprene Vision also joins the ZONE3 RENEW Open Water swimwear (made from recycled bottles) and the ZONE3 YULEX range of open water swimming accessories made from a plant-based alternative to neoprene.

The ZONE3 Vision will be available to buy on the ZONE3 website from February 28th with an RRP of £399