Zack Kulp's Urban Riding Trip To Pittsburgh Ends In Disaster

Urban mountain biking is a very popular discipline of riding. Sometimes people want to ride their bikes but don't have the time to go to the trails.

The downside is that there are specific dangers associated with riding. Watch Zachary Kulp faceplant on the bottom of a stair set below.

In this video, Kulp doubled a stair set but landed a little deep and got bucked forward on the next one, leading to a face plant.

Despite the gruesome crash, Kulp did not break any bones in the crash.

This crash is a stark reminder of the dangers of urban riding. Yes, stairs are fun to ride down but pavement hurts more than dirt does.

Kulp was visiting Pittsburgh with Stunt performer RJ Sebek. The crash happened on his final day.

Zachary Kulp is a professional rider and stunt biker. He is known for traveling the country to perform. See him cross a lake at Swampfest below.

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