Zac Brown Posted an Emotional Video Explaining Why He “Let Go” of 90% of His Crew

Photo credit: Aaron J. Thornton - Getty Images
Photo credit: Aaron J. Thornton - Getty Images

From Prevention

  • Zac Brown of Zac Brown Band revealed he had to “let go” of the majority of his crew.

  • He also posted a passionate message encouraging followers to take the COVID-19 outbreak seriously.

Zac Brown is dealing with some heartbreaking effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Though the country singer has not fallen ill, the spread of COVID-19 has forced him to make some tough decisions. He revealed in an emotional Instagram video that he’s had to lay off the majority of his team, as he cannot go out on tour now or in the immediate future.

Here’s what he said to start off his message to fans:

“It was a hard day today. For the last 15 years, my crew, who I carry with me out on the road to play my shows and do what we do, I’ve had to let go of about 90% of my family. The people that I traveled with and grew my business with. The people I high five on the way out to the stage, the people who have done their jobs and done them well. I hate having to make this call, but I can’t generate out there and I can’t tour because of the coronavirus and everyone’s safety and I’m fine with that.”

The rest of his recording included strong words of caution to those who may not be monitoring the situation or taking the proper precautions to stay safe.

“But I got this message that I want to say to the people that aren’t taking this seriously, and the people who are out partying, and the people that are sitting out on beaches, and the people that don’t care if they get this virus or bring it home to their grandparents and maybe kill their grandparents or complicate their lives. The longer that America doesn’t take this seriously, and doesn’t stay in and try to contain this, the longer that everyone’s going to be out of jobs, the longer that we’re going to be pushed into this recession that we’re all about to enter into. The sickness has just begun here, it’s just started to rear its head. You need to wake up, you need to stay indoors, and try to socially distance yourself and stay inside. Because America can heal from this, America can come together. We can celebrate with music, we can celebrate with song, we can celebrate on video chat.

But the sooner that we take action on this and we don’t wait on our government to tell us that this was a serious issue and that this should be…you know, we’re late to the game. I’m pretty ashamed of the way our leadership has handled all of this, I’m pretty ashamed of a lot of things. We can’t rely on our government to tell people what they need to do. You can read between the lines, you can read all the articles of everything happening all around the world and we’re less protected than a lot of those countries because no one can tell us what to do. We have to decide for ourselves as Americans and we have to look out for the future of all of our jobs and for the economy and for each other.

I love to spread music and spread love in song, and share music with the world. I’m going to do my best to do that from closed doors. But if we’re going to heal from this and get back to doing what we were doing before this hit, than everybody’s got to take this seriously.”

Hoping everyone stays safe and healthy out there.

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