If You've Been Exposed To Mold, Don't Panic About 'Detoxing' Your Body Just Yet

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Photo credit: nadisja - Getty Images

From Women's Health

Whether warm temperatures outdoors or high humidity levels in your home any ol' time are to blame, you may be inviting mold in. Chances are, you probably don’t even realize that mold sneaked its way into your house, whether it's in your bathroom, basement, or near windows. You have to wonder, how bad is mold exposure, really...and do you need to worry about "detoxing" from mold from time to time?

Wellness forums and blogs might lead you to freak out about the presence of a single spore of mold inside your home, and may even convince you that you’re going to develop “mold toxicity” if you don’t remove it right away. Many also often recommend alternative treatment options for “detoxing” the body from mold such as activated charcoal supplements or dietary cleanses.

But many Western medicine experts aren’t convinced that these practices are actually effective. (FWIW, integrative medicine researchers aren’t even sure mold exposure is definitely causing chronic illnesses.) Some people who are sensitive to mold to begin with may develop allergy-like symptoms or even a more severe mold infection, but others might not develop any symptoms at all, explains Purvi Parikh, MD, a board-certified allergist with Allergy & Asthma Network.

Here’s what you need to know about the mold that could be lurking in your home—and the degree of harm it can potentially cause.

Tell me the truth: Is it bad for my health to have mold in my home?

So, no mold is really good or pleasant to have around—but, it may not be as dangerous as you think to have it in your home. There’s not enough scientific proof that mold is toxic for the average person, and you may not even know it’s in your house, says Dr. Parikh.

Household mold, which may make its home in an old house with water damage, for example, is more problematic for people who have mold allergies, asthma (both of which can be triggered or worsened by mold exposure), or are severely immune-compromised.

The most common types of fungus that will cause these allergy or asthma attacks or respiratory infections if the immune system has a severe enough reaction are Aspergillus, Alternaria, Penicillium, and Cladosporium, says Dr. Parikh. When people refer to “black mold” as especially dangerous, it’s actually a misnomer, because all of the above molds are blackish or dark in color, and one isn’t necessarily worse to have in your home than another.

It’s possible to develop a mold allergy over time from frequent exposure to mold in your home, Dr. Parikh says, especially if you’re predisposed to environmental allergies. In the case of immune-compromised people (who are more susceptible to certain conditions in general), the body can develop an infection if the mold enters the lungs or bloodstream.

So it’s important to pay attention to what’s potentially growing in your home, and monitor any symptoms, but there’s no reason at all to live in constant fear of mold, Dr. Parikh says.

So is mold toxicity a real thing?

Mold toxicity—the idea that mold can produce harmful substances called mycotoxins that can contribute to autoimmune conditions and other chronic disease—is a bit controversial. That’s because there isn’t any kind of test for it or scientific evidence that any kind of disease exists solely because of mold exposure. Keep in mind that there’s a lot of misinformation out there, both about the toxicity of mold and the treatment options.

There’s clear, validated proof that breathing in enough mold in your home over a period of time can cause or exacerbate both allergies and asthma, Dr. Parikh says. It can even cause an invasive respiratory infection, she adds, but any chronic health condition resulting from mold hasn’t yet been proven to exist.

What symptoms would I experience if mold is an issue for me?

If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms in your home, similar to a dust or pollen allergy—like itchy, watery eyes, coughing, a stuffy, runny nose, or even a rash or eczema—mold might be playing a role, Dr. Parikh says. The same goes for more severe asthma symptoms than usual, like frequent asthma attacks, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Your symptoms would be different if you have a mold-related infection; you’ll likely have a fever above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and you may experience low blood pressure, dizziness, and even shortness of breath. But, “Mold infections are actually pretty rare unless you have a very weak immune system,” says Dr. Parikh. If you’re immune-compromised, you’ll need to take any infection more seriously anyway, she adds.

Treatment for mold-related allergies and infection varies from person to person. If you think there might be mold in your house, and you develop allergy or asthma symptoms, it’s best to visit an allergist or pulmonologist to have testing done. An allergist might prescribe eye drops, nasal spray, or antihistamines, depending on your case (but don’t self-medicate, Dr. Parikh says—let your doc make the call!).

Allergy shots have also proven to be effective in treating mold allergies by halting the immune system’s reactions in some cases, studies show. For more severe respiratory symptoms related to asthma, a doctor might prescribe you an inhaler, or additional medications such as steroids.

If you have evidence of complications from a mold infection, specifically a high fever, severe chest pain, or dizziness, you may need to visit the emergency room. Mold infections can typically be treated with an antifungal medication, which is customized to the type of fungus that’s causing the infection, says Dr. Parikh.

So, is there any reason to "detox" my body to undo mold exposure?

There are various treatment methods out there for mold exposure, like “sweating it out” and even gut health cleanses that claim to “detox” the mold—but none of them have been proven by studies to treat anything (just like so-called mold toxicity can’t necessarily be proven as a medical condition).

For example, activated charcoal is often used in emergency rooms to prevent treat substance abuse overdose—but it won’t necessarily do anything to treat or “detox” mold exposure, says Dr. Parikh (despite what health blogs say). Probiotics—which are in and of themselves beneficial for your overall gut health—have also been thrown around as a treatment for mold-related illness. But they can’t treat an active bacterial infection in any way, Dr. Parikh notes.

Many touted mold treatment options also aren’t FDA-approved and may not be covered by health insurance, Dr. Parikh points out, so you should approach what you read about mold with a critical eye.

How much of a priority should I make cleansing my home of mold?

There’s no need to panic about small amounts of mold. Of course, if you recently had a flood or water damage, it’s worth contacting a mold inspector. Or, if you’re in a high-risk immune category or have allergy and asthma symptoms that might be related to mold, you should definitely address it, Dr. Parikh says. Regular home inspections should be able to detect mold, though.

To prevent mold growth in your house to begin with, the ideal scenario is to use central air conditioning with a certified allergy and asthma-friendly filter, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

If you don’t have access to A/C, try to use a dehumidifier, especially when it’s hazy and humid outside. When you’re showering, turn on an exhaust fan or crack a window so mold doesn’t appear over time. Cleaning the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room regularly with an anti-mildew cleaner is your best bet to zap mold in its tracks.

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