Online Dating Sucks, So We Need To See The Best Dating App Bios Out There

It's no secret that there are thousands of ways to write a good bio for a dating profile. And since it's the first thing people read about you, you've gotta make it good.


It's a chance to tell everyone who you are, but, like, the SparkNotes-y, elevator pitch–y version.


Maybe you have a really detailed bio on your dating profile. Like, it cuts to your core, and you're convinced whoever is looking at it will fall madly in love with you in just one read.


Maybe you have a bio that's just emojis and bullet points, but hey, it's enough for everyone to get the picture.

Cat looking at a laptop with a screen with "It's a purrfect match!" and photos of two cats
Petra Richli / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Maybe your bio is a collection of your favorite things, all nestled together so that in one read, people know everything they need to know.

Woman kissing the screen of a laptop
Tom Merton / Getty Images

Or maybe your bio is a tagline that's just the perfect blend of sexy, inspirational, funny, and mysterious and, in your opinion, should be a must-read in Oprah's Book Club.


Share the bio on your dating profile with us in either the comments below or 100% anonymously through this Google form for a chance to have your bio featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!