Everyone's Talking About "Quiet Quitting", But We Want To Hear Your "Quiet Firing" Stories

There's a lot of buzz at the moment about a new workplace trend called "quiet quitting." This trend is a bit of a misnomer, however, because it's not really about quitting at all. Instead, it's about sticking to the work in your job description and setting boundaries, while opting out of things like being available 24/7 and taking on extra unpaid work.

In response to the quiet quitting trend popping up literally everywhere, some people are pointing out that employers have long been guilty of "quiet firing", also known as "managing out." Basically, this means they intentionally make your work-life difficult and unpleasant until you quit.

So if you've ever been quiet fired or managed out of a job, we want to hear your story.

Maybe you worked at a restaurant, and after a minor personal disagreement with a manager, you noticed that instead of five shifts a week you were suddenly down to only one or two. You tried picking up shifts and hustling harder, but they just wouldn't give you enough hours. So you ended up quitting as soon as you found another job.

Freeform / Via giphy.com

Or perhaps you worked in an office, and your department got restructured. You were moved out of a role that you were performing pretty well at into a position that you never would have applied for. The expectations for the new job were never made clear, so you were constantly being criticized over things that nobody ever even told you about. After a few months, you couldn't take it any more and quit.

NBC / Via giphy.com

Or maybe you worked at the same job for years and kept giving your all in hopes of finally earning a promotion or a raise. But in spite of all the work you did, you were consistently passed over. One day, you finally realized that this company was never going to give you what you wanted so you found another job and quit.

Starz / Via giphy.com

Tell us about your experience with being quiet fired in the comments or via this anonymous form and your story could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.