I'm Not Saying You SHOULD Get Revenge On A Cheating Partner, But If You Have, I'm Dying To Hear Your Story

Getting cheated on is obviously a very emotional experience. The person who gets cheated on is bound to feel a lot of different emotions, ranging from embarrassment, to heartbreak, to immense anger. With all these complicated feelings involved, there's no telling how someone will react. Some may quietly walk away from their partners after being cheated on and ghost them for the rest of time. Others may get consumed by anger and find a way to get revenge before saying their final goodbye.

A person removing a wedding band behind their back
Glasshouse Images / Getty Images

Perhaps you caught your boyfriend messaging other women on dating apps. You would've never known, but a single friend of yours saw his profile. He didn't know this friend, so the two of you decided to team up. She matched with him and made plans to meet up, and you planned to come along. She met him at the bar, and you hid in the parking lot while he went inside. While he was inside, you keyed "cheater" into his car. You then joined him on his date. He was shocked and stormed out of the bar. You blocked him on everything, then had a drink with your friend.

Someone keying someone's car
Simonkr / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Maybe after learning that your wife had an affair with one of her coworkers, you decided to contact her boss and let her know that your wife was hooking up with said colleague on company property, and sometimes, even on company time. Though you felt pretty guilty about jeopardizing your soon-to-be ex-wife's job and reputation, you felt so hurt and betrayed that you acted on impulse.

A woman seducing a man at his desk
Praetorianphoto / Getty Images

Or, maybe you found out your partner was cheating after you unexpectedly tested positive for an STI during your yearly doctor's visit. You decided to play it cool until they left for work the following day, and that's when you packed your stuff up and left behind a seething note and a nasty mess. You threw their clothes everywhere, spilled the contents of their fridge, and even strategically placed some raw seafood in their vents, as well as many nooks and crannies of their apartment.

A destroyed living room
Jpgfactory / Getty Images/iStockphoto

OK, so maybe you didn't get your revenge in a way quite as extreme as the examples...or maybe you did! IDK! But, if you got revenge on a cheating partner and want to share your story, you can tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.