If You've Ever Been Curious About Sex Parties Or Non-Monogamy, Now's Your Chance To Ask

Everyone has their own sexual preferences and interests that fulfill them personally. There are plenty of sexually active lifestyles and communities out there that people don't know much about.

A background of condoms in their wrappers
Oleksiy Boyko / Getty Images / EyeEm

Essentially, some people are non-monogamous and explore different partner relationships. Also, some people engage in sex parties and kink exploration. It may be a totally new world to you. That's OK — we're here to get answers.

Muse Productions / Via media.giphy.com

Do you have any questions about non-monogamy or sex parties that you really want to ask? Now's your chance to ask some "sexperts" in the community.

E! / Via media.giphy.com

Maybe you're curious about the logistics and wonder where these parties take place?

A woman asking "where?"
Pop TV

Perhaps you'd like to learn about the pros and cons of participating in a sex party.

A pros and cons list on a table
Jayk7 / Getty Images

Or perhaps you'd like to ask about safety and how sex parties protect against STDs and COVID-19.

A person opening a condom on the left and a background face masks floating in the air on the right
BuzzFeed / Getty

Ask your questions in the comments below, or anonymously using this form. This is a safe space! Your question may be answered in a BuzzFeed Community post!