YouTuber Shows Off Glow In The Dark Mountain Bike Trail

Have you ever heard of a trail that glows in the dark? Mountain biking is generally an activity enjoyed in the day so the concept really does not sound right.

Except Youtuber Seth Alvo discovered just such a trail in Bentonville, Arkansas. See the video below.

Seth, who runs the YouTube channel Berm Peak, is spending the month in Bentonville, Arkansas a popular mountain bike destination. They are infused with money from the Walton Family, the heirs of Walmart.

Bentonville has poured a lot of money into its trail systems, and the results show. One of the places they put that money was in a pump track sidewalk through the woods. As if that was not enough they added phosphorous that glows in the dark.

Imagine instead of the sidewalk, you could take a pump track… even at night?

It is unclear if these little stones provide enough light to make this pump track safe to ride. At the very least, however, It adds texture when you ride at night safely with your light!

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