YouTuber Reveals The Top 10 Best Budget Hardtail Mountain Bikes

Getting into mountain biking can be daunting. The price barrier for entry can seem astronomical, and it can feel like there is no way to get into this sport without an impossibly large disposable income.

But wait, before you jump to thinking that mountain biking can never work for you, take a look at this list of 10 entry level hardtails that are all under $700.

Check out the list from Top To Bottom MTB down below.

Naturally, these all leave a bit to be desired, but for under a thousand dollars it is hard to complain too much.

The only points of advice that this video is lacking and should be included:

  • First, buying an entry bike from a local shop is a great way to get more bang for your buck. You will get guaranteed proper assembly of the bike and they usually come with some kind of discount for the necessary gear and spare parts.

  • Second, this was included but it is worth reiterating, get a bike with a good warranty. It cannot be stressed enough how important that is, you never know if some manufacturer defect will ruin your first ride out and it is much better to have peace of mind than to be stuck with a bike in pieces.

  • Third, It is worth paying a little more for quality. Mountain bikes get put under extreme stress even by entry level riders so spending an extra hundred or so in this case can save you a ton down the road.

Related: Budget Bike Corner: Cam McCaul Shows The Versatility Of An Affordable Hardtail

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