YouTuber Recreates Dad's Vintage Moab MTB Film

Mountain biking has come a long way in the last 30 years. Bikes got suspension, wheels got bigger, and components came a long way.

One thing that has stayed constant is the sheer amount of fun. Watch Youtuber Matt Dennison ride Moab with his dad mimicking the style from his dad’s 1993 tape edit.

Unlike dirt trails, the hard surface of Slickrock has stayed relatively constant for the past 30 years, maintenance-free. All that has changed is a revolution in mountain bike technology!

1993 was long before personal cameras recording mountain biking was a widespread thing. The idea of a self-filmed instagram video would have been beyond comprehension. Matt’s dad and his friends had the stoke though.

Watch the full edit below.

Enjoying yourself out on the rocks and then having post-ride beers at the car is a tradition that still has not changed. Even if bikes are futuristic machines, It does not change the stoke of riding with your buddies out in Nature.

Perhaps the best part about this video is knowing our parents are just like us for real. They just now also have a yard they need to take care of.

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