Do Yourself a Favor and Follow Daphne Guinness on TikTok

She's really good at it!

>tfw Daphne Guinness wants you to smash that mf follow button.
>tfw Daphne Guinness wants you to smash that mf follow button.

A little over a decade ago, Daphne Guinness dominated the front rows and street-style galleries with her unique, unmissable goth take on high fashion. She served as muse to many and counted the likes of Alexander McQueen and Tom Ford as friends. Guinness bought the late Isabella Blow's entire archive and helped mount an exhibition devoted to her mentor.

Of course, the Guinness beer heiress is still around, having modeled in shows for designers like The Blonds and launched a music career of her own. But her signature hoof shoes have not graced many a fashion month in recent years. Have you missed her? I have, to be honest!

Which is why I was absolutely thrilled — nay, delighted — to be served none other than Guinness herself on my "For You Page" while scrolling through TikTok one night.

On her Instagram, the singer keeps a tightly-curated feed of aesthetically on-brand photos, but on TikTok, it's a different story. There, you'll find videos of Guinness dancing backstage at her shows, comparing her messy updo to Troll dolls and sharing "Get dressed with me" trends. Her custom heelless shoes make frequent appearances and she even participates in dance trends! (Well, sort of.) Please take a moment to check out one of my personal favorites involving a RuPaul song.

It feels like you're getting a closer look at Guinness's personality, which wasn't always apparent behind the big sunglasses and intimidating platform shoes. And I have to tell you, every time she posts something new, I'm tickled all over again. In these trying times, we have to find happiness where we can. Allow me to recommend following Guinness on TikTok as part of your quest to spark joy.

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