If You're In A Relationship Or Marriage And Your Incomes Are Uneven, Tell Me How You Go About Splitting Expenses

When you're in a romantic relationship with someone, there are a lot of things to consider — one of them being each other's finances.

A happy couple dancing in their kitchen
Hiraman / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

And I get it, finances are not the sexiest topic of conversation to discuss amongst couples — but it is an important one.

Most Expensivest / Via giphy.com

So I'd like to hear from the couples of the BuzzFeed Community: How do you split expenses when your incomes are uneven?

  Bymuratdeniz / Getty Images / Via Getty Images
Bymuratdeniz / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

Maybe you live with your partner who has a higher salary than you so they pay more towards rent and you pay for utilities. It feels fair to both of you and you rarely fight about money since you worked this system out.

A couple figuring out their finances together
Ozgurcankaya / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

Maybe you split everything 50/50 right down the middle, but if you're being honest it doesn't always feel fair. You've tried to bring it up with your partner, but they get defensive and accuse you of acting greedy.

A couple talking and looking at a laptop screen
Fizkes / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

Or maybe you each pay for your own expenses and don't split anything.

NBC / Via giphy.com

Whatever method works best for you, I want to hear about it. Tell me about your relationship, your incomes (if you feel comfortable), and the way(s) you both tackle paying expenses.

A woman paying her bills on a phone
Suwaree Tangbovornpichet / Getty Images/iStockphoto

How did you land on this method? Why does it work for you — or not work for you? Tell me more in the comments below or in this anonymous form!

Some responses might be shared in a future BuzzFeed Community post.