21 People With No Shame Who Will Make You Cringe So Hard

Are you feeling optimistic? Happy? Joyous even? Like the world is a wonderful place filled with well-meaning people?

happy man dancing and clapping
happy man dancing and clapping

@HOFER_AT / Via giphy.com

If so, I suggest you STOP READING NOW...because the following 21 people are all but guaranteed to make your mood take a 180°:

1.This dude who posted on Facebook about the birth of his first child with the heartwarming statement "A Real Human Was Made By My Cum":

guy posting that he made a human with his cum

2.This person who — gag — gathered up all the roach legs they could find in their home and sold them as eyelash extensions on Facebook:

person proudly posting their roach leg lashes creation

3.This high school in Virginia that has a confederate flag painted on their entry doors in the year 2023:

students walking with the flag on the doors

4.This scary-ass weirdo driving around this car, freaking everyone out:

creepy dolls and halloween structure with the license plate reading body parts wanted

5.And whoever the proud owner is of this self-proclaimed "MILF Mobile":

bummer stickers about milfs all over a car bumper

6.These homeschooling parents who bragged about their teenagers not knowing basic things like the alphabet, months, or even days of the week:

parents talking about their teens and 6 year olds who don't know certain thing from being home schooled

7.This charmer who took a photo of the laptop he was selling...without realizing his crack pipe was caught in his reflection:

phone and crack pipe in the laptop reflection

8.And – sigh — this person seriously trying to sell this "still soft" couch that "doesn't smell anymore":

gently squirted on couch

9.This person just openly bragging — while using laughing emojis — about shoplifting:

someone responding that they steal from walmart all the time

10.This church that decided to get offensively political:

heaven has strict immigration laws hell has open borders

11.This couple that's just digging around in each other's pants for all to see:

man with his hands in his girlfriend's pants in a restaurant

12.This tagger who had no qualms whatsoever about destroying this beautiful mural:

grafitti over a wall mural

13.This butcher using meat as a door stop that I really, REALLY hope they don't try to sell later:

package of meat holding a door

14.Whoever the nasty person is who inspired this sign:

if you need to go to the bathroom use our toilet instead of the garbage can thank you

15.This uncle who really needs to do some reflecting on his life:

had my nephew pee in a cup for me he asked did i need some dookie too

16.This pistachio-eating jerk who left their seat in a movie theater looking like this:

pistachio shells in the cup holder

17.And this similarly decency-challenged moviegoer:

bare feet peeking out through the movie seats

18.This mom who got her son an e-cigarette themed cake for his 16th birthday:

hugo boss cake and an e-cig prop on the side

19.The man on the fruit stall, I guess:

note warning women to get an s.t.i test if they've been messing with the fruit stall guy

20.These lazy people who — instead of returning their carts like you're supposed to — left them blocking a handicapped space:

cart abandoned in the walmart parking lot

21.And whoever left this bus seat absolutely covered in orange and banana peels — and other things — I mean come on!:

pile of peels and food on a seat

HT: r/trashy