You'll Never Guess How Much This Bald Athlete Spends on Haircuts


Floyd Mayweather is no cheapskate when it comes to his bald head. (Photo: Getty)

Most dudes keep their haircuts on the cheap side - bald guys especially. Buy a buzzer and it’s a one and done, right? Boxing champion Floyd Mayweather definitely disagrees. “It’s $1,000 per cut,” says Jackie Starr, the woman who’s given Mayweather every single cut since 2009 – at home or abroad. “I cut his hair two times a week, three times is pushing it, but then it also depends on the occasion. If he’s in training I will cut him Monday, Wednesday and Friday.” Damn, Mayweather is serious about his hair, and Starr is making up to $144,000 a year on his haircuts alone.


Jackie Starr cuts Floyd Mayweather’s hair up to three times a week. (Photo: Instagram)

Starr shaves Mayweather’s head using a straight razor, meaning he gets the closest possible shave and he’s as bald as can be. It would be pretty tough for him to do this to himself without nicking his head (ouch!) but we bet there are plenty of fabulous barbers out there who would perform the service just as well for a small fraction of Starr’s price. To each his own, I guess.