Alton Brown's Secret Ingredient For Better Scrambled Eggs

Alton Brown
Alton Brown

Michael Stewart/Getty Images

There's nothing quite like a warm, pillowy pile of scrambled eggs. And it's true that everybody seems to have their own trick to achieving scrambled perfection, whether it be a splash of cream, milk, cornstarch, or even the Dolly Parton-approved drops of ice water.

But leave it to food science whiz Alton Brown to suggest an ingredient that manages to raise even our seasoned eyebrows. And it's a Southern staple, no less.

Using Mayonnaise In Scrambled Eggs

In his 2016 book Everyday Cook, the television host offers an innovative recipe for scrambled eggs that includes mayonnaise. Yes, everyday ordinary mayo. In "Scrambled Eggs V3.0," Brown whisks one teaspoon of mayonnaise and one teaspoon of water into his eggs before scrambling. The results, he proclaims, are creamier than anything dairy alone can produce.

Now, before you get all hot and bothered, remember that mayonnaise is basically eggs in another form. (Read: emulsified egg yolks and oil). And what are scrambled eggs if not eggs and oil? It's a marriage made in egg heaven.

"Since scrambled eggs are essentially an emulsion," Brown explains, "I figure why not enhance their texture with another emulsion?" You have to admit that he's got a point.

Brown then goes on to quash our main fear: serving mayo-flavored eggs. "You'll never know the mayo is in there until you go and leave it out," he notes.

Oh Alton, what would we do without you?