YouTuber Karina Garcia is the queen of slime

In an era post-Nickelodeon sliming celebrities in the early aughts, slime spiked as a popular YouTube trend that caused a 50 percent jump in Elmer Glue sales in December 2017. It's still a very popular topic for both YouTube and Instagram, and we can thank Karina Garcia for its trendiness.

Garcia is one of the hundreds of YouTubers who experiment with making slime, but only she and a handful of others are credited as being the founders of the trend.

"I do feel like I was a pioneer in slime for sure," Garcia told In The Know. "When I started, there was really no videos. It's just so crazy to see how it's become an entire community."

Garcia has been on YouTube since 2012, but her first slime video was at the end of 2015. Now she has over nine million subscribers and started her own business, Craft City.

"It was like, 'Oh snap, it's not just YouTube, this is an empire now,'" Garcia said. "Now I'm an entrepreneur."

Garcia is wildly successful — in October 2017, NPR reported that she was making $200,000 per sponsored video — and loves that her career was built out of something she genuinely enjoyed doing.

"Slime means everything to me," said Garcia. "To me, it was life-changing."

Now with the success of her channel and craft supply line, Garcia loves to spoil her parents. Garcia grew up in a two-bedroom mobile home, so not only does she want to share her blessings with her family, but she also wants to be an inspiration for others who think that their background limits how successful they can be.

"I do what I do because I want people to see me and be like, 'Oh my gosh, I can do it too,'" Garcia said. "I want to be an example for those people."

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