This Yoga and Strength Hybrid Workout Builds Muscle and Helps You Relax

From Men's Health

Your workout regimen doesn't have to fit into a single box.

Want to build muscle? Most people do, in some form or another. Want to take out your stress with powerful movements? Absolutely—what more necessary cause for activity exists in 2020? But you can also find a way to bake in calm, soothing physical activity to your routine, too.

Photo credit: Men's Health
Photo credit: Men's Health

This hybrid yoga-strength training program can do just that, mashing up stretching and poses with kettlebell exercises for an effective one-two punch of a workout. Take on the two parts together, or standalone for a quick session when you're short on time.

Part 1: Decompress

Directions: Do 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 20 seconds between each move, then do Part 2. Tight on time? One round will loosen and relax your body.

1. Supine Spinal Stretch

You’ll loosen your lower back and your hips, too.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Lie on your back, arms and legs out-stretched. Raise your right knee to your chest, and place your hands on it. Keep your shoulder blades on the floor as you allow your knee to fall to the floor on the left side, turning your head to the right. Hold for 45 to 60 seconds, then repeat. Do 3 reps per side.

2. Low Lunge to Half Split

You’ll relax your hamstrings and hip flexors and loosen your hips.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Start in pushup position. Step your right foot outside your right hand and drop
your left knee to the floor. Sink your hips downward, reaching your chest upward. Exhale and slide your hips backward, straightening your right leg and reaching forward. Inhale and shift back into the lunge. Repeat for 5 reps; switch sides.

3. 90-90 Stretch

Stretch your hip flexors and quads.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Sit with your right outer thigh on the floor in front of you, your left inner thigh on the floor, and your left foot behind you, knees bent at 90 degrees. Square your hips so they face your right shin. Inhale and reach your chest over your right shin. Hold for 45 to 60 seconds. Repeat, switching leg positions.

4. Thread the Needle

You’ll relax your chest and shoulders.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Start on all fours. Reach your left arm overhead. Slide it down and through the opening between your right arm and your legs. Relax your left shoulder and ear to the floor, bending your hips if you need to. Hold for 45 to 60 seconds; switch sides and repeat.

Part 2: De-Stress

Directions: Do this as a 3-round circuit. Work for 30 seconds, then rest for 60 seconds for each exercise. Warm up with 1 minute of jumping jacks.

5. Kettlebell Swing

You’ll build glute power—and that always feels good.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Start standing, torso hinged forward, hands gripping a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of you. Explosively pull the bell back between your legs. Stand explosively and squeeze your glutes; this will drive the bell forward. Let the bell’s momentum pull it back between your legs, then repeat. Do reps until time is up.

6. Primal Walkout

You’ll test your abs and shoulders as you walkout, and you’ll build your chest during the pushups.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, core tight,then bend at the knees and hips, lowering into a squat.This is your start. Now place your hands on the floor,shifting your torso parallel to the floor (a). Walk yourhands out into pushup position (b). Do 5 pushups, thenwalk back to the start. Repeat the pattern until time is up.

7. Situp-to-Punch Combo

Build abs and obliques—and punch away 2020 frustration.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Start in situp position, back on the floor, feet flat on the floor near your butt, hands in front of your face. Tighten your abs, lifting your torso off the floor. As you sit up, punch your right hand across your left side.Pull your right hand back to protect your face, and punch your left hand to the right. Lower your torso with control. Repeat until time is up.

8. Single-Arm Thruster

You’ll sculpt your shoulders, quads, and hamstrings.

Photo credit: Kat Wirsing
Photo credit: Kat Wirsing

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, core tight, a kettlebell or dumbbell held in your right hand at your shoulder. Bend at the knees and hips, lowering into a squat. Explosively stand; use the momentum you create as you stand to drive the bell overhead. Pause, then repeat. Do reps for 30 seconds on one side, then 30 seconds on the other, then rest.

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