You Can Do Yoga With Cuddly, Adorable Alpacas at This Farm in England

It seems like you can do yoga just about anywhere these days.

You can do yoga with beer, yoga underwater and even yoga down the aisle of a plane (though, no one will thank you for it). And now, you can do the best kind of yoga: in a field of soft, fluffy alpacas.

According to The Metro, owners of Rosebud Alpacas, an alpaca farm in South Molton, Devon, England, is offering alpaca yoga to guests, where they can practice their perfect downward dog in a field of the farm’s adorable livestock.

Owners Nick and Lucy Aylett told The Metro that they want the farm to be “a place where people can come to escape, take time out from technology and busy lives, a chance to spend time connecting with the land, the animals and each other.”

They added, “Our dream is for this place also to be a sanctuary for people to come and feel at home as well,” Fox News reported.

“I just know from being around alpacas that their calming presence reduces stress. They like you to be calm around them so naturally you drop your energy levels and relax,” said Lucy Aylett to Country Living.

Calming exercise, beautiful countryside, and impossibly cute alpacas to hang out with? Count us in.

Plus, simply supporting the farm by coming to do yoga is also something you can feel good about. The farm uses ethical practices, offering the alpacas “freedom of choice, their welfare being paramount,” according to The Metro.

Alpacas themselves live outside where they can also protect the farm’s chickens. They’re also free to move around the farm and go up to visitors if they want to, according to Country Living.

Classes with the alpacas are lead by instructor Sian Bartlett. Guests are also served light refreshments afterwards and may interact with the more curious alpacas during the sessions.

“The alpacas choose where they want to be and they usually find the humans just as fascinating,” Lucy Aylett told Country Living.

The farm also offers alpaca walking, alpaca picnics and alpaca art sessions, according to Fox News. Guests can also purchase a special, “alpaca connection” package that involves a guided meditation and mindful observation of the alpacas.

The farm has lots of photos of past alpaca yoga classes, as well as its cute livestock on its Facebook Page. For more information about Rosebud Alpacas or to reserve a yoga class, visit the farm’s official website.