Yoann Barelli Stomps His First Ever 'Stoppie Lander'

For most of us, it is a miracle when we go off a jump and land successfully on two wheels. For some, that is simply too boring and they require spice to be added.

Watch Yoann Barelli land on his front wheel in a stoppie and ride it out. Showoff!

In this video, Yoann is on a bike tour in Southern Mexico with Oaxaca Bike Expeditions. At the bottom of a run. He decides to do his best Bernard Kerr Impression with the stoppie lander. Though it is not the final jump on A-line, It is an impressive trick in the repertoire.

When many Americans picture riding in Mexico, they assume it would be dry desert riding. However, there is a lot of moisture and diversity in the country. Anyone who has gone to ride in Mexico says it is one of the most worthwhile things to do.

Now that winter has all but arrived in the Northern Hemisphere Mexico has become a popular destination for vacationing riders. Who wouldn’t want to ride tropical loam in a vibrant locale?

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