These Yellow Strawberries Taste JUST Like Pineapple

Photo credit: Driscoll's / Allison Arnold
Photo credit: Driscoll's / Allison Arnold

Nothing says summer like fresh, juicy strawberries. They're perfect straight from the carton, but also delicious in thirst-quenching strawberry lemonade, homemade strawberry cake, or strawberry shortcake ice cream cake.

But what if you wanted more from your typical strawberry? What if a single strawberry could contain a multitude of flavors? The mad fruit scientists at Driscoll's must have thinking the same thing because they recently launched a flavor of strawberries called Tropical Bliss that tastes just like pineapple.

Photo credit: Allison Arnold
Photo credit: Allison Arnold

When I first heard about this frankenfruit, I was skeptical. But once I took a bite, I was happily surprised. The yellow berry with tiny red seeds didn't necessarily look any more appetizing than a normal strawberry. But it honestly exploded with tropical flavors that scream summer. It was very weird to eat a strawberry, regular texture and all, and have it taste like a sweet and tangy pineapple. But I'm here for it.

Driscoll's Tropical Bliss Strawberries are one of three "high-flavor" strawberries the company developed using traditional breeding methods and no GMOs. Rosé Strawberries taste like summer's favorite drink, while Sweetest Batch Strawberries boast extra juiciness. This Driscoll's Strawberry Sensory Wheel will help you pinpoint all of the sensations you feel and flavors you taste while eating one of their new creations.

Photo credit: Driscoll's
Photo credit: Driscoll's

If you want to try the Tropical Bliss strawberry (or any of their new flavors), you can check out the Driscoll's site to see which retailers carry them. And, while you're at it, add these 80 strawberry desserts to your summer cookout rotation. Could you make a strawberry tart with pineapple-flavored strawberries? Absolutely.

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