Yellow Nail Syndrome: What to Know

Medically reviewed by Brendan Camp, MD

Yellow nail syndrome is a rare disease that affects the fingernails and toenails. It typically affects people over 50.

Yellow nail syndrome gets its name from the buildup of lymph under the nails, making them appear yellow. People with this condition may develop pulmonary (lung) and lymphatic system (infection-fighting) problems.

This article covers everything you need to know about yellow toenails and fingernails, including causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. 

<p>Pawel Kacperek / Getty Images</p>

Pawel Kacperek / Getty Images

What Causes Yellow Nail Syndrome?

Many people with yellow nail syndrome wonder why their nails are yellow. Unfortunately, usually the cause is unknown. However, some causes may include:

Vitamin E can help treat yellow nail syndrome, so a vitamin E deficiency may also cause yellow nails and toenails.

What Are the Symptoms of Yellow Nail Syndrome?

While yellow nails are the primary symptom of yellow nail syndrome, there are other signs to watch out for. These signs and symptoms may include:

How Is Yellow Nail Syndrome Diagnosed?

Since there are so many things that can contribute to yellow nail syndrome, a diagnosis is important. Healthcare providers use the following criteria to diagnose yellow nail syndrome:

  • Appearance of yellow nails

  • Respiratory tract involvement

  • Lymphedema

A healthcare provider will evaluate your symptoms and do a physical exam. They may also use a pulmonary function test and computed tomography (CT) scan to confirm a diagnosis.

Conditions with similar symptoms include the following:

Related: Causes of Thick Toenails and How to Treat Them

What Are the Complications of Yellow Nail Syndrome?

Complications of yellow nail syndrome may involve the respiratory and lymph systems. For example, if your lymphatic system doesn't drain properly, you may experience the following problems:

  • Greater risk of infection in the swollen area

  • Slow wound healing

  • Self-consciousness about the swelling

  • Stiff joints

You may be at greater risk of developing serious respiratory infections like pneumonia and bronchiectasis with respiratory system complications.

How Is Yellow Nail Syndrome Treated?

Yellow nail syndrome treatment is usually symptom-based, meaning healthcare providers cater therapies to whatever is causing problems for a person. Treatments may include:

Can You Prevent Yellow Nail Syndrome?

Genetics and chronic health conditions often cause yellow nail syndrome, so there isn't anything you can do to actively prevent it. However, if you develop yellow nail syndrome, the symptoms are manageable with various therapies targeting your situation.


Yellow nail syndrome is more than just yellow nails and toenails. The condition also involves the respiratory and lymphatic systems. If you have symptoms of yellow nail syndrome, a healthcare provider will carefully listen to your symptoms, perform a physical exam, and order diagnostic tests to rule out other conditions. While you can't prevent yellow nail syndrome, the good news is that its symptoms are manageable with different therapies.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.