Yates recognized for 4 million words read milestone

May 22—THOMASVILLE- Harper Elementary fifth grader Jordyn Yates was recognized on Thursday afternoon during a special presentation at the Student Recognition Program.

Yates was originally recognized in December when she received the first gold coin to christen the Harper Elementary book vending machine after reading one million words.

Since then, Yates has nearly quadrupled her goal, achieving the major milestone of four million words read as of May 16, 2024.

To celebrate this accomplishment, Harper Media Specialist and STEM Coordinator Michele Sedam reached out to local community stakeholders to help provide Yates with gift baskets that will only help fuel her love of reading.

"She has the brightest smile and biggest heart," Sedam said. "She set a goal for herself, met the goal, and exceeded the goal tremendously."

Sedam went on to say that Yates not only loves to read but is an incredibly talented writer.

"It would not surprise us if someday in the near future, we get to purchase a book written by her at The Bookshelf," Sedam said. "To know this child is to love this child. She makes you want to be the best you can be."

Sedam told the crowd that Yates is respected by her peers, whom she often encourages to read alongside her.

"The future is so bright for her," Sedam said.

Sedam thanked her family and friends, who have supported Yates' goals, even when they may have seemed lofty.

"Jordyn, please remember how wonderful you are and continue to set the bar high, because you are truly a gift," Sedam said, before presenting Yates with her surprises.

The surprise baskets were filled with gifts from The Bookshelf, teachers, and donations from TNB.

The basket contained a Kindle, which will allow Yates to download endless numbers of books, which she can read while on the go, along with headphones for audiobooks she may want to download. She was treated to countless gift cards to eating establishments, where she could enjoy a good read and a snack.

Yates was additionally gifted with a handmade shirt and cup, gifted by teachers at Harper Elementary who have supported Yates and watched with pride as she read book after book.

Yates was overwhelmed as 3rd-5th graders cheered her on, while Sedam announced the total of words read.

"Jordyn read 654.1 points and 4,422,866 words," Sedam told the crowd through cheers and clapping.

Though shocked, Yates took the podium and thanked the teachers, especially Sedam, who had encouraged her to keep reading as she now looks to read 5 million words.

Principal Pamela Cloud applauded Yates and reminded students that no matter their age, anything can be accomplished through hard work and determination.