Yara Shahidi Rapped a Verse from Hamilton on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

“When APUSH is life.”

Class is in session and Yara Shahidi is serving up today's American history lesson. The Grown-ish star schooled The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon this week when she rapped a Hamilton verse that just so happened to touch on the American economic system.

Yara is a massive fan of Hamilton, a fact she admitted to while chatting with host Jimmy Fallon on Monday (May 14). "I have been such a large Hamilton fan and, I mean, I don't want to take credit but I'm fully taking credit [for] the reason that anybody on the set [of Grown-ish] listens to the Hamilton soundtrack," she explained to Jimmy.

Because of that that die-hard fan status, Jimmy asked Yara what her favorite song from the musical was, and Yara revealed it was "Cabinet Battle #1"— "I've made my brothers memorize the lyrics so we can battle" — which then led Jimmy to ask if she'd be cool with performing a little bit of the song for the audience. Yara enthusiastically agreed and proceeded to lay down a seriously good rendition of one verse from the song, which had lines like, “If we assume the debts, the union gets a new line of credit, a financial diuretic / How do you not get it? If we’re aggressive and competitive the union gets a boost / You’d rather give it a sedative?” Yara also tweeted out a video of the performance, captioning it, “When APUSH is life.”

Tonight Show house band The Roots later shouted out Yara's nickname "Slim Shahidi" in a tweet about the performance because she was just that good. And they would know, since as Yara pointed out on Twitter, The Roots produced the Hamilton soundtrack.

This is definitely not the first time that Yara has publicly professed her love for Hamilton. Not only did she get to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda at Super Soul Sunday, but back in October 2016, she was posting constantly on social media about how the musical is basically the best cheat sheet for AP U.S. History. She’s not wrong.

Fans had nothing but love for Yara's rap game on The Tonight Show, and just between us, we're hoping to see more of this from her in the future.

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