The X-Files at 25: the truth is, it was terrible

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson - Rex Features
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson - Rex Features

It’s 25 years since a fresh-faced Gillian Anderson walked into David Duchovny’s conspiracy dungeon at FBI headquarters and was treated to a slide show about little green men wreaking havoc the Oregon woods.

Thus began The X-Files, the aliens-are-among-us caper that, along with Friends, became one of the defining hits of Nineties television and which, in special agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, updated the cliche of the “will they-won’t they?” screen couple (they did, obviously). 

But much like the UFO paranoia it celebrated, it didn’t take long for the X-Files to outlive its initial novelty and transform into a hackneyed blot on our culture. And yet somehow, it has kept on going. Just a few months ago creator Chris Carter was making noises about future seasons – and that after a two-series comeback that even die-hard fans had to admit was bonkers with bells on. 

Really, it’s remarkable just how indestructible the X-Files has been. In its quarter century, the show has survived cancellation, profound changes in the television landscape and even the departure of its stars. Duchovny bailed temporarily towards the end of the initial 1993 – 2001 run; just a few months ago Anderson proclaimed herself done with the franchise. And still onwards it slogs. 

The original X-Files, it is only fair to point out, was serviceable schlock. It served up the occasionally worthwhile “monster of the week” episode – the giant bug-man, the "soul eater", the Chernobyl  worm-person –  and thrived on the slow-burn chemistry between the leads.

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in 1994 - Credit: getty
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in 1994 Credit: getty

Moreover, in bringing together actor Bryan Cranston and fledgling scriptwriter Vince Gilligan – they met working on the 1998 episode Drive – it inadvertently spawned Breaking Bad

However, the series also tangled itself up in knots with its dreary and often simply inept world building. The cardinal sin was an overarching plot nobody – especially those running the show – appeared to have sat down and properly mapped out (the Cigarette Smoking Man, Scully’s baby, the aliens with their black oil etc). 

Too much credit is given to the The X-Files for inspiring the joined-up storytelling of TV’s golden age when the truth is that The Sopranos, the real progenitor of the new era, would probably have happened anyway. Its real spiritual successor was Lost, which similarly suffered from a writers’s room making it up as it went and which ultimately didn’t know how to finish what it had started. 

Adding to the insult were two X-Files movies (in 1998 and 2008) that alternately complicated the already obtuse mythology and then disregarded it entirely. Yet it was with its rebirth 2016  – as with the films, a comeback nobody had asked for – that the adventures of Mulder and Scully set course for the further reaches of absurdity.

Suddenly, the aliens had apparently lot interest in invading earth, which was instead menaced by a virus. The world was about to end – only it wasn’t because Scully had dreamed the whole thing (the opening instalment of 2018’s season 11 confirmed that much of season 10 had been an hallucination).

Elsewhere we caught up with their child, William, who has superpowers (and isn’t actually Mulder’s child). Also Scully and Mulder were to have a second kid. By comparison the rebooted Twin Peaks – the other great FBI conspiracy drama of the Nineties – was a masterclass in narrative clarity and tonal consistency. 

David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi in The X Files 
David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi in The X Files

It wasn’t just long-suffering devotees who’d had enough. By the time season 11 concluded in March, Anderson, a steely performer who has proceeded unflinchingly through genuinely distressing psycho-thrillers such as The Fall, Hannibal and Top Gear’s Star in a Reasonably Price Car segment, looked quietly shellshocked. 

“It’s time for me to hang up Scully’s hat. It just is,” she said on the accompanying press tour, sounding a bit more fed-up that she perhaps intended. 

If only everyone else was willing to throw the towel too. But alas it seems that, 25 years in, the X Files is set to continue.

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in a 2017 episode of The X Files
Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in a 2017 episode of The X Files

“I know there’s more life in this show,” Carter told Entertainment Weekly in the aftermath of the finale. “It would never be the same without Gillian, as I was saying I do think there are more stories to be told. If this was the last episode, would I be happy? I don’t know.”

Still, he had a caveat. Though Carter was keen for an Anderson-less X Files to trundle on, the decision was up in the air because of the ongoing $52 billion takeover of the Fox empire – including Fox TV –  by Disney. 

If the Magic Kingdom has any sense – and it’s hard to be certain considering the damage it has inflicted upon the Star Wars franchise – it will finally pull the plug and bring closure to the greatest unsolved mystery on television: how has The X-Files carried on so long?