Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Hit With 17+ Inches Of Fresh Powder

This week, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort was hit with its first proper storm of the season -- the upper mountain saw 20 inches of snow while the mid-mountain received 14 inches.

Not half bad for October.

The Wyoming resort attributes this storm -- among others -- to the "Teton Flow," a storm track that deposits cold, deep snow in the Tetons. We skiers like to call the fruits of these storms "cold smoke."

Here's forecaster Jim Woodmency's explanation of the "Teton Flow."

What of the storm this week, though?

Jackson Hole has you covered. Today, the resort shared drone footage that shows off its new wintry coat with POWDER.

That's exactly what we like to see. While the storm didn't fully hit Jackson Hole's base area, there's plenty of snow at the mid-mountain and upper altitudes. Plus, based on the resort's webcams, the base area's snow guns are currently active.

Jackson Hole plans to open for skiing and riding on Friday, November 24th.

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