WWII Veteran Breaks Paragliding World Record At Wyoming Ski Resort

While most of us are starting to think about fall and the promise of upcoming snow storms, 105-year-old Fred Miles has had a little something else in mind: paragliding.

Today, September 11th, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Wyoming, shared a video of Miles partaking in a paragliding launch from the resort piste, cementing him as the oldest man to participate in a tandem paraglide.

Watch below.

As explained in the video, Miles isn't unfamiliar with getting airborne. He's an Air Force veteran who flew as a fighter pilot during World War II, so he knows a thing or two about flying.

That probably explains why Miles was so casual throughout this video. If I were teeing up a paraglider, I'd be a total mess. It's not that I'm terrified of heights; I just would hate to be involved in a paragliding accident, y'know?

Okay, maybe I am terrified of heights.

Regardless, good on Miles for getting out there and proving that you can get airborne no matter how old you are.

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