What should you write in a wedding thank you card?

what should you write in a wedding thank you card
What should you write in a wedding thank you card?Probuxtor - Getty Images

When it comes to planning a wedding, there is SO much to think about. From nailing down your venue to figuring our your theme, you also need to choose your flowers, find an outfit you're happy with and pick a menu. Then there's the drinks, favours, band set lists... Yeah, it's a lot! And while it all leads to the main event, there are still loads of things to think about after your special day unfolds - in particular, thank you cards.

Whether your guests have kindly bought you things from your gift list, or you're just grateful to friends and family for travelling to celebrate with you, a thank you card is the perfect way to show your appreciation.

But, we get it. The thought of writing multiple personalised cards can feel not only daunting, but even overwhelming. Which is why we've spoken to the experts at Papier about what to write in a wedding thank you card that feels both genuine and heartfelt, along with seven examples:

What to write in a wedding thank you card examples

  • "It made our wedding day compete to have you by our side. We are so grateful for the XXX you gave us. It's already found a place in our home and will always remind us of your kindness."

  • "We are so thankful for your wonderful gift and for being there to celebrate our wedding day with us. Your laughter and joy added so much to our special day. We can't wait to have you over and show you how we've used your gift!"

  • "Thank you for so much for travelling such a long way to be with us on our wedding day - it meant so much to us to have you there! We also want to thank you for the generous gift card. We plan to use it towards furnishing our new home.

  • "Thank you so much for the generous gift, XXX. We plan to put it towards XXX. Your thoughtfulness and kindness are so appreciated as we start our new lives as The XXX."

  • "Thank you for contributing to our honeymoon fun. We can't wait to tell you all about our travels and share our pictures from our trip to XXX Your kind donation to our favourite charity is so appreciated. Thank you so much for coming along to celebrate our love!"

  • "We cannot thank you enough for all your help and support with our wedding. Your assistance with [specific task, e.g., setting up the venue, organising the flowers, baking the cake] was invaluable, and we couldn't have done it without you. We absolutely love the [specific gift], and it will be perfect for [mention a specific use or how it will fit in your life]."

How to start a wedding thank you card

As with most things, it's important to be personal and genuine with your message, to ensure each recipient feels valued and special. Try to reference a specific anecdote from the wedding day that involves them, or the present they have given you.

"Nothing shows care like a personalised card, so we recommend starting a wedding thank you card by personally addressing the recipients," Papier say. "You can then go on to mention how their presence made the day special, reference the gift they gave you, or note their specific involvement in your day. This is a lovely chance to note any moments which stood out to you."

An example of how to start your wedding card:

  • "We so appreciated you and your wonderful energy on the dance floor - one of our most memorable moments was when you had everyone join the conga line - even Grandma Betty! You made it a night we'll never forget!"

How to sign off a wedding thank you card

Depending on your relationship with the recipient, this is another good opportunity to show your gratitude for them. Whether it's through your sign off or final sentence, essentially it's time to show some love!

And, as Papier's expert puts it, "Some couples like to make use of their new surname if they have one or if they both now have the same one for example,With Love, The Smiths'."

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