Thank-You Notes Are Important—Here's How to Write the Perfect One

No technological advancement can replace a written letter—and after receiving a gift, a simple text simply won't cut it. There's something so personal about receiving a handwritten note in the mail, and being able to write a thoughtful, yet succinct one is a life-long skill to master.

Use these sample thank-you card ideas to easily draft your own notes for a gift, money, or showing support.

No technological advancement can replace a written letter—and after receiving a gift, a simple text simply won't cut it. There's something so personal about receiving a handwritten note in the mail, and being able to write a thoughtful, yet succinct one is a life-long skill to master.

To help break down exactly how to draft a great thank-you note, etiquette experts Catherine Newman and Diane Gottsman have compiled go-to phrases, helpful advice, and sample thank-you note wording you can easily personalize for any occasion. Before putting pen to paper, brush up on how to write a thank-you note to a friend, family member, or colleague.

How to Write a Thank-You Note

How to Address Thank-You Notes

Depending on your relationship with the recipient, you may want to use a more formal address with “Dear [name],” or a casual opener with their name and a comma. Newman, Real Simple’s Modern Manners columnist, etiquette expert, and author of the parenting memoir Waiting for Birdy, says the signature should be treated the same.

How to Close Your Thank-You Note

“The sign-off is whatever seems appropriate for the occasion: ‘love,’ ‘very truly yours,’ ‘your grateful coworker,’” she says. “Whatever best captures the spirit of the relationship.”

Thank-You Messages

But what about the contents of the letter? Below are suggestions and templates to help you draft the middle of your note.

Sample Thank-You Note Wording for Gifts

As a template, try constructing your thank you note for a gift with, “Thank you for the [insert gift here]. I am looking forward to using it [describe action or appropriate time you will use it].”

Other examples and variations:

“Thank you for the cookware. It is just what I need to make your famous Italian sauce. I plan to use your recipe very soon.”

“Thank you so much for the beautiful silver picture frame. I have perfect picture to put in it and the perfect shelf.”

“Oh my goodness, a BMW! You are the best grandparents ever!" (It’s more challenging, but still totally doable, with something less wonderful, like a scratchy sweater, Newman assures).

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Sample Thank-You Note Wording for Money Gifts

When crafting a thank-you message for a monetary gift, don't mention a how much money they gave you, warns Gottsman, a national etiquette expert, author of Modern Etiquette for a Better Life, and founder of The Protocol School of Texas. Use the following template for a thank-you note about receiving money: “Thank you so much for the gift. I am [an activity, project or product you are hoping to buy] and your generosity will certainly help me [the result of the activity, project or product purchase].”

Other examples and variations:

“There’s a really great robotics kit I've had my eye on.”

“As you know, I’m saving up for a car, so I’m going to put this right in the bank.”

“We are saving to put a deposit down on a new apartment and your generosity has helped us immensely. I can’t wait to host you for dinner soon—possibly in our new apartment!”

Sample Thank-You Note Wording for Support

This template will help when writing a note to someone who has helped support you: “Thank you for [act of kindness]. I am so grateful to have you as a [relationship].”

Other examples and variations:

“Your visit to the hospital lifted my spirits. I am feeling much better and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your support.”

“To say you are always there when I need you would be an understatement. I want you to know how much I appreciate your support during this difficult time. It has made the transition easier.”

“Thank you for checking in on me. I will never forget your kindness and hope to do the same for you one day.”