People Are Sharing The Small — But Totally Justifiable — Reasons They Broke Up With Their Partner, And Some Of These Are Unhinged

Recently over on the Ask Reddit subreddit, u/dintempest posed the question, "What's the weirdest reason you've broken up with someone?" The responses were filled with people sharing their exes' most baffling behaviors. And after going through all the comments, I reallllly don't blame them for ending things. Here are some of the most cringe-inducing answers:

1."She wouldn’t stop talking to me in an annoying baby voice. If I said, 'Hey, I’m gonna go hang out with so-and-so,' she would say, 'Gurlfwend go, too?' And if I said no, she would put on a sad voice and say, 'Gurlfwend go, toooo...' Like wtf? She was 23 years old."


2."When I was in college in the early 2010-ish era, I went out for Halloween and met a guy dressed as a pirate that looked like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean — it was the era of those movies. We started dating, and I realized he looked like a pirate 24/7/365, and I couldn’t handle it."

A man dressed as Jack Sparrow

3."She constantly said 'Chip-ol-tay' instead of Chipotle. True sad story."


4."He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton."


5."She would speak French to herself in the mirror at home, and then she would do it at restaurants thinking it made her sound sexy, I guess? I don’t know. Here’s the thing — she knew not one word of French. She had no desire to learn a single word of French. She just spoke gibberish that sounded VAGUELY like French. She was a full-grown woman in her late 20s with a college degree and a job. She started doing it around the second month into our relationship. It embarrassed the hell out of me. I know a few words and even offered to teach her, but she said she didn’t want to learn. She just wanted to act like she was speaking French."

A woman sitting at her vanity mirror

6."He collected used candy wrappers. When he first told me, I thought he was joking. We dated for two months before I realized he was incredibly serious."


7."When I worked at the ER, I dated a coworker. After we cleaned up a patient's room, he randomly just made out with me — with the deceased still in the room. It was a scene out of Grey's Anatomy. I broke up with him shortly after. Too strange."


8."She added me to her family's group chat after a week of dating. I was about 16 at that time and felt too much pressure."

A woman on her phone

9."They thought microwaving one piece of leftover pizza needed four minutes."


10."She threw garbage out my truck window while driving down the road. First date and last date."


11."She squeezed a disgusting amount of mustard in her hand then ate it."

A woman smiling and holding mustard

12."Hyuck hyuck hyuck laughing. I was shocked. I seriously thought she was messing with me."


13."She gave me a dirty bowl after cooking food for me at her place. She said it wasn’t dirty…but I cleaned it and showed her it was. I can’t do gross."


14."He would never put food in the fridge. Rather, he'd just leave his leftovers on his bedroom floor overnight and then wake up the next day, pick up the leftovers off the floor, and eat them for breakfast. There was one time he made us pasta, and he put it all into a giant mixing bowl and said we could share it. I thought whatever and put a show on my laptop while we ate. There was about half of the pasta left, so, instead of getting up to put it in the fridge, he set it on the floor and put a pillow over it. He used the same dirty pillow to 'protect' all of his food. It bothers me still even typing this."

A man playing video games as food an trash litter his bed

15."She insisted that the phrase where two options were basically the same was 'eight of one, half a dozen of the other.' I told her it was six, which is a half dozen. She told me, 'You say it your way, I’ll say it mine.'"


16."He was cooking at my apartment and scratched up my good frying pans with a fork."


17."We started talking through a mutual friend, finally met up at the mall, and just walked around to get to know each other more. We got a bit hungry and ordered some fries from the food court. She asked for some mayo packets, then asked for another handful of them. We sat down to eat, and the next thing I knew, she took a whole packet and emptied it on one single fry, opened another and squeezed half of it on the same fry, then downed it."

People eating at a mall food court

18."Her dog was teaching my dog to howl at sirens."


19.And finally, "He had posture and hands like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons."

GIF of Mr. Burns twiddling his fingers

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

What's the weirdest reason you've ever had to break up with an ex? Let me know in the comments below!