'I Wouldn't Have Lost 85 Pounds Without The Portion Control Hacks I Learned From WW'

Photo credit: Courtesy
Photo credit: Courtesy

From Women's Health

My name is Nicole Rudd (@fab2fitnicolee), and I’m 33 years old. I’m from Denver, Colorado, and I am a project manager for a software company. I struggled to lose weight my whole life until I tried WW (or Weight Watchers), which helped me learn healthy nutrition and portion control. I've now lost 85 pounds.

I’ve struggled with weight as long as I can remember. As a kid, we didn’t have many home-cooked meals. And if we did, they never contained vegetables or anything nutritious. We ate out a lot, and I remember fried mozzarella sticks and chicken tenders being my meal of choice way too often.

Once I got to high school, I would randomly try low-carb diets or popular fad diets but I never had much luck. I just continued to gain weight. I was my heaviest around my college graduation.

I honestly avoided scales most of my life, and I would look away at doctors appointments or ask them to not tell me. I dreaded going to the doctor because I was always told my blood pressure was high, but I told myself the reason I didn't like going was because I had a fear of the doctor. But I knew that dealing with conversations about my weight contributed to my doctor appointment aversion, and I didn’t want to admit that.

I remember trying on clothes for my first job right after college and being so disappointed at the size I was.

I’ve always loved fashion and dressing up, but I didn't feel fashionable or confident in my body. I knew things had to change, so I joined Weight Watchers (now WW) in 2010 for the first time.

I chose WW because I’d heard good things, and it seemed less restrictive than other so-called diet programs.

I knew that I had to face a scale, and having the support of WW Workshops would help me make the changes I needed to.

I lost 80 pounds the first time I tried WW. But after my wedding in 2013, I slowly gained back about 60 of the 80 pounds I had lost. Life happened—and I totally fell off track with my nutrition. I would get back on my plan for a month or so, every so often, but it never stuck until January of this year.

I knew it was time for a change when I was trying on clothes to take to my hometown with me for the holidays, and I hated how everything looked. I was so uncomfortable the whole trip, so as soon as I got back home, I joined WW again for the *final* time.

WW works for me because nothing is off limits. You can choose how you use your points, while also learning how to eat healthier.

The extra weekly points have been a lifesaver for me because we enjoy going out to dinners and events, so I never have to miss out on anything and still can lose weight.

Here’s what I eat in a day.

I’ve always done some form of exercise while trying to lose weight. But to me, nutrition is the most important part. I enjoy activities like Zumba or cardio dance classes where I don’t feel like I’m working out. I also make sure to get in 10,000 steps daily.

These three small changes have made a huge impact on my overall weight loss.

  • I made it a lifestyle change and not a diet. Once I got over the fact that this wasn’t something I could fix with a few months of healthy eating, I was able to stick with it and make it work for me long-term. If I know I’m going to have a higher-point meal, I’m able to adjust my other meals to make it fit in my day.

  • I taught myself how to cook. Since I was so used to eating out, I had to teach myself how to cook with healthy ingredients and learn good nutrition. I went from never having veggies as a kid to making sure every meal includes them.

  • I took progress pictures. Sometimes the scale totally frustrates me. You could be on point with nutrition and exercise for weeks, but the scale just won’t move. Taking pictures and comparing them definitely helps keep me motivated!

I have lost a total of 85 pounds.

There were so many times I wanted to give up. I would hit a plateau and think it was impossible to keep going. But I’m so glad I kept pushing on because it was so worth it. My passion for fashion is back, and I’m able to actually enjoy shopping again. I don’t have to worry if activities include weight limits or if I’m going to have trouble doing something. Losing weight is definitely not easy, but it was the best thing I ever did for myself!

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