Worried About Soggy Trick-or-Treating? Steal These Tips to Stay Dry This Halloween

While there are plenty of festive Halloween activities that can be enjoyed indoors (crafting, enjoying snacks that look like eyeballs, reading ghost stories), most kids would prefer to traverse their neighborhood in search of sweet treats. It's difficult to separate the holiday from the time-honored fun of trick-or-treating. But given that much of the country is facing soggy or even snowy weather reports, you might be racking your brain for ways to keep your little one warm and dry while they go door to door. Here, several tip for staying dry you'll want to try.

1. The umbrella bubble

A mom in Michigan named Jennifer Barnes shared her genius invention that keeps her kiddo insulated and dry: an umbrella over a plastic bag "dome" that goes all the way to the ground. She jokingly commented that she should go on Shark Tank to pitch her idea, and you gotta agree.

2. Tent on the go

In Wisconsin, several parents carried a large event-style tent over their little ones. What a way to keep everyone dry—and take on the challenge as a community.

3. Decorate a poncho

Grab a clear poncho (like this one from Amazon) and let your kiddo decorate it with stickers or waterproof paint. That way they'll get two costumes in one!

4. Pick a costume that involves an umbrella

From Winnie the Pooh's Christopher Robin to Willy Wonka, Mary Poppins to Paddington Bear, there are plenty of rainy day costume ideas that actually lend themselves to carrying an umbrella—or, at least, wearing a hat.

5. Make an umbrella part of the costume

Decorate a clear umbrella as part of your little one's lewk. Check out this adorable jellyfish and spaceship.

And if worse comes to worst, you can always follow the lead of a mom named Brittany Marie Haight whose Facebook post about "parenting like it's the '80s" for a night has gone viral. "Tomorrow I'll pull on my rain boots, grab an umbrella and mix myself a nice cocktail and slosh around the neighborhood with my kids," writes Haight. "Once they are soaked to the bone we will go home, and then, I will eat all their KitKats and Snickers. They will have fun. I will get chocolate."

The takeaway for parents: There's no need to reschedule festivities (without a severe weather warning) in order to have a very happy Halloween.