World's Youngest Triple Backflip Landed By Connor Stitt

A backflip is a trick that few riders dare to attempt due to its challenging nature, requiring a high level of commitment and coordination.

However, one exceptional youngster, Connor Stitt, defied the odds by successfully completing not just one, but three backflips in a jump.

Watch below as Connor lands a triple backflip, securing his place as the youngest person ever to achieve this remarkable feat.

In this video, Stitt gracefully flips three times onto Ryan Williams's airbag lander at his Australian Compound. Though he did not take the trick to dirt, this still counts as an incredibly impressive trick.

A full video including a drone shot is said to be in the works. I for one am excited to see what they cook up.

Connor Stitt is a 12-year-old BMX rider from San Diego, California. Stitt has already amassed a large following due to his skills on the bike. It is always funny to see children be stars before they are old enough to have an instagram account.

Ryan Williams is no stranger to shenanigans on jumps. Watch him get injured flipping perhaps the least practical bike in the world below on a resi pad.

Related: Ryan Williams Injured Trying To Flip Big Wheel Bicycle

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