World's Largest Firework Launched in Steamboat Springs

Steamboat Springs in Colorado has both the Howelsen Hill ski area and the powder-famous Steamboat ski resort.

It also had a spectacular firework show this time of the season just a few years back... the world's largest firework, in fact!

Watch the action below.

The shell of the firework, which was launched right before the world went into lockdown due to the pandemic, made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.

"The shell weighed 1,268 kg (2,797 lbs), and was achieved by James Cowden Widmann, Eric Krug, Ed MacArthur, and Tim Borden (all USA) in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA, on 8 February 2020."

A giant mortar, 1.57 m (5 ft 2 in) in diameter and 7.92 m (26 ft) deep, had to be specially built to shoot off the giant firework.

The record-breaking shell closed the firework display for Steamboat Spring’s 2020 Winter Carnival, an event that has occurred annually for more than 100 years.

Because it was the last hurrah in the show, it went up and almost seemed like it wasn't going to blow.

But it went off with a bang, the sound echoing through the town moments after the sparks trickled down through the sky.

Now, the real question is: which ski town is going to top it this year?

Related: Steamboat Springs Has So Much Snow This Year They Don't Know Where to Put It

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