The World's Largest Chicken Nugget Is Over 100 Times Bigger Than Your Average Nugg

The largest chicken nugget is 20.96 kg (46 lb 3.34 oz), and was achieved by Nick DiGiovanni (USA) and Lynn Davis (Japan) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, on 25 May 2022
The largest chicken nugget is 20.96 kg (46 lb 3.34 oz), and was achieved by Nick DiGiovanni (USA) and Lynn Davis (Japan) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, on 25 May 2022

Courtesy of Guinness World Records

I am not an ancient philosopher. I wouldn't even consider myself a modern philosopher. But I do believe that, at some point, a "nugget" — which Merriam-Webster defines as "a small usually rounded piece of food" — becomes so large it is no longer a "nugget."

But hey, who am I to question Guinness World Records? And on Saturday, the record certification organization announced a new mark had been set for World's Largest Chicken Nugget.

In a video posted by Guinness World Records, two culinary TikTok sensations — former MasterChef finalist Nick DiGiovanni and Cooking with Lynja's Lynn Davis — teamed up to walk viewers through the entire process of making the record-setting 46-pound, 3.34-ounce "nugget."

Billed as being "approximately 115 times larger than your average chicken nugget," the "meat" of this monster morsel was made from 40 pounds of ground chicken and 40 eggs — which, along additional eight eggs for the breading, DiGiovanni described as "close to 60 whole chickens" — as well as 40 slices of white bread, a half gallon of whole milk, three-quarters of a cup of onion powder, three-quarters of a cup of garlic powder, one cup of salt, and a half cup of black pepper.

The largest chicken nugget is 20.96 kg (46 lb 3.34 oz), and was achieved by Nick DiGiovanni (USA) and Lynn Davis (Japan) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, on 25 May 2022
The largest chicken nugget is 20.96 kg (46 lb 3.34 oz), and was achieved by Nick DiGiovanni (USA) and Lynn Davis (Japan) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, on 25 May 2022

Courtesy of Guinness World Records

Possibly the trickiest part of this project was cooking such a large nugget: According to DiGiovanni, test runs in a home oven took as long as 12 hours. So the pair of chefs had to drag the massive nugg to a commercial facility where it could be cooked through more quickly. After that, the nugget was weighed and certified as "World's Largest" by an adjudicator.

Finally, Guinness World Records said that the "the nugget was cut up and distributed to friends, family, and the filming crew for consumption." No word on if any dipping sauce was used (or how large the little tubs they came in were).

Meanwhile, this isn't the first time DiGiovanni and Davis have teamed up on a world record: Back in January, Guinness World Records released a video of the duo setting a record for "World's Largest Cake Pop."