The World's Best Awards 2021

World's Best Awards 2021
World's Best Awards 2021

You, our discerning readers, will often plan your next adventure before the one you're on has even ended. Your love of exploring the world has helped sustain the travel industry during these tumultuous times, and as the world began to reopen, you were among the first to get back out there. Your insights on those trips — and on your pre-pandemic journeys, too — informed these rankings of the World's Best hotels, islands, tour operators, U.S. national parks (a first!), and more. Cheers to you, to the winners — and to brighter days ahead.

This year's World's Best Awards survey was open for voting January 11 through May 10, 2021, as destinations around the world were lifting COVID-19 restrictions. Survey rules have always allowed readers to reflect on their travel experiences over a three year period. We hope that this year's honorees will inspire your own travels as you get back out into the world.