World Champion Caroline Marks Receives the Key to Ponce Inlet, Florida

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A world title sure does open up a lot of new doors.

In the case of Caroline Marks, we mean that literally.

Since winning her first title at Trestles last September, Marks has been enjoying the perks that come with being the best surfer in the world.

In her latest vlog (playing above) she brings us along on a trip to Abu Dhabi — first to sample the latest and greatest Kelly Slater Wave Co creation, and then to jump in a helicopter with the Red Bull Aerobatics crew. From there, she jets home to Florida, where she's presented with one of the greatest honors an athlete can receive: the key to her city.

In this case, it's Ponce Inlet, Florida, where Mayor Lois Paritsky officially etched Marks' name in the history books.

While the key might not literally open any door in the city, it does mean Marks officially has priority in the lineup at all times at one of Florida's best waves.

Not that she needed it, but still.


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